Sunday, September 14, 2014

Susu's Red Chili!

So I usually make white chili but I have been having a "hankering" for some good old fashioned chili.  Now I am not gonna lie!  I'm going to Susu-fy it a little bit but it will STILL feel like a bold, fall game day Saturday Pot of goodness!

This is also an excellent food for healing and inflammation.  While meatless is best, turkey burger is better (and I will put Venison here as equal) and last resort for the anti-inflammation train would be beef steak chunks or ground beef that is extremely lean!

I use my Vitamix blender  but you can chop by hand or use a food processor to make this base.  I use:

1        sweet onion
3        sections of fresh garlic, first smashed then chopped. Fresh is  best!
4        fresh tomatoes.  Canned if you don't have them but fresh is better!
1        small red, orange or yellow pepper or a combination of all for color!
1         can Hatch mild green chili.  Two cans are better!
1          can or fresh mushrooms
            (I saute my onions and mushrooms sometimes first then mix.)

So go ahead and mix all that up!  And leave it there.   Then go get your big stock pan and add olive oil to brown your meat choice. I always put some salt and pepper as well as ancho chili powder and garlic salt in with the meat.  Makes it smell better and I like layering spice! (Skip this step if going meatless!)  You can drain the fat made during this process if you desire.

Now it's time to take the blender stuff and add it into the meat.  Add a can of chicken stock to the mix at this point as well.  And this is where it gets good!!!!  Grab a bottle of beer (gluten free) and add to the mix. Use your judgment on how much.  You can adjust the liquids by using more or less of whatever you choose but the beer is important to the flavor so add just enough chicken stock to keep liquid level good.

Let all of this start cooking on a very low heat.  Slow and steady is better than burned.  This can also be dumped into a crockpot and left to simmer all day after the meat is browned.  Now you want to add beans.  I am not a fan of the traditional Kidney and or Navy bean so I use Great Northern and Pinto.  Sometimes black beans.  You decide because this is YOUR chili!  Then take a can of Refried beans and add that to the mix. This helps thicken but imparts flavor as well.

I am horrible about amounts of spices to add. I like spicy (as in flavorful not HOT) chili so I add quite a bit.  Not as much of one as another…… again, this is where you get to decide.  Try keeping the ratios though.  Not as much cumin as the chilis or it is more Mexican than you want.

I also add Garlic salt even though I have used fresh garlic.  Each has a unique flavor profile and I think it’s important.  Okay so maybe a half teaspoon of garlic salt, half to two thirds teaspoon of cumin, quarter to half teaspoon cayenne, whole teaspoon of smoked paprika (or whatever kind you have! ), whole teaspoon of  oregano, a half teaspoon of turmeric ( I know that this is a middle eastern spice but it is the number one anti-inflammatory spice and you just need to use it.  This much won’t even be tasted!)  And at least a whole teaspoon of Ancho Chili Powder. I use a lot more.  Also add salt (I use Himalayan pink salt) and pepper again.

Now you let the chili kind of simmer for a long while.  This part is sometimes easier in a crock pot because it rarely burns.  Keep track of it on the stove because you don’t want it to burn.  Taste as needed and adjust spice levels.  If it is still too liquid (I like mine thick) you can add a roux to it. (melt butter in a pan, add gluten free flour to it and then when it smells nutty add some half and half or milk).  

When you are ready to eat this you can garnish with what you want.  I use a few tortilla chips (since I can no longer eat saltines!), shredded cheese and sour cream.  YUM!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Creamy Gruyere Cheddar Scalloped Potatoes!

These are so amazingly yummy that you will fight to get seconds!  Seriously, they are THAT good!  I usually think that making scalloped potatoes is a waste of a lot of time.......but the prep goes pretty fast when you have made them a few times.

The first thing you want to do is add this to a saute pan:

3 T. butter
medium onion chopped fine
at least two sections of fresh garlic (I use more!)
optional:  white and light green part of a leek. (optional but phenomenal!)

Really cook these slow to get that perfect just browned but not burned "oniony" goodness. Then when they are perfect, add:

1 c. organic milk
3 c. organic half and half.  (you can also use equal parts milk and heavy cream)
6 to 8 large potatoes sliced as thin as you can.
1/2 to 1 t. garlic salt (yes, besides the fresh!)
1/2 t. California Gold BBQ rub Heroic! Herb and Spice Seasoning
1/2 t. Ancho chili powder
Himalayan salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

The thinner you slice the potatoes the quicker and more evenly they cook.  Now, you want to cook these on low until the potatoes are pretty much al dente or better. 

You want to have a shallow pyrex or corelle type baking dish ready that has been sprayed (I use olive oil).  I start by using a little shredded assorted cheese (My choice is Costco Kirkland's Mexican cheese blend). to put in the bottom of the dish.  Then you spoon half of the potato mixture in and spread it evenly.  Then you take shredded gruyere cheese, about a half cup (or more if you can afford it because this is spendy cheese!) and then a half cup of sharp cheddar as well.  You can also add more cheese blend if you like it super cheesy like me!

Then add the rest of the potato mixture and again hit it with the same cheese again.  Gruyere, sharp cheddar and then some mixed cheese.  I usually sprinkle some additional Ancho powder, salt and pepper on top at this point.  Then I cover it with foil so it doesn't burn on top.

Cook at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.  You can uncover if you want your cheese to brown up a bit with five minutes left but I leave the foil on the entire time.  This recipe is decadent and looks great on a Holiday buffet!  Enjoy........

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pollo Fundido Enchilada Casserole!

Okay, I love Via Delosantos #16 with Fundido sauce here in Phoenix.  They are quite honestly the BEST enchiladas I've ever had.........but sometimes I can't eat there so I made my own version of this amazing meal.

There version has a cream sauce with a lot of jalapenos in it.......and I can handle them because they do something to them to make them spicy mild.  I think they roast them.  But my version uses green chili's because honestly I am scared of Jalapenos due to all my skin issues.  I roasted two of them and it was so stressful that I just say NO!  You can use them in any form if you want to but not me!

First you make this sauce.  I use my Vitamix because it's awesome and it has the SOUP setting which heats this stuff up quick!  You can use a bowl or the stove if you want to.  I'm sure all ways would work.


2 c. cream cheese
1 to 1.5 c. sour cream
1/2 c. half and half
half teaspoon cumin
half teaspoon ancho chili powder (or plain chili powder)
half teaspoon Heroic Herb and Spice Seasoning by California Gold BBQ Rubs**

I use a ceramic baking dish and I coat it with olive oil spray.  I then take unfried corn tortillas and put a single layer down over the oil.  Then I put a layer of chunked Queso Blanco (Mexican White Cheese) like Cacique or El Mexicano.  Then I put down about a cup of shredded mixed cheese.  Then a layer of the cream sauce and then another layer of the tortillas. 

FOR Vegetarians you can just keep layering these items but for Chicken lovers this is the magic!

Chicken layer: (You can cook this ahead of time or cook a big bunch to use in many different recipes and pull out enough for this dish!)

Cook two large boneless, skinless chicken breasts or about six thighs with half an onion, a small can of green chilis, add mushrooms here if you want to and about two cloves of garlic.  I then add another half teaspoon of the seasonings from above but include about a teaspoon of ground cumin to this step as well.  Again I use olive oil to cook in.  This mixture goes down next.....

Then you keep layering the tortillas with cheese and sauce making sure you have sauce as the top layer when finished.  Then just pop in the over at 325 for about 30 minutes.  Make sure you check it after about 20 minutes as you don't want to burn the top sauce.  

I forgot to take a picture because it looked so good that people were tearing into it before I could!  It's that good!

**I was given a free sample to use of this rub.  I am going to try several different recipes with it  so stay tuned!  It is salt and sugar free, GLUTEN FREE, and has no additives or preservatives.
More information on them can be found here: Heroic Rub

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jewel's Bakery and Cafe Review!

As a person with celiac I think I miss being able to walk into a restaurant and not have to only choose from a select few gluten free items, but then having to worry about cross contamination and gluten knowledge of the staff.  Well, at Jewel's that is a thing of the past because everything is gluten free!

I have been a customer of Jewel's Bakery for about two years now.  Julie Moreno, the owner, started in her kitchen cooking up the baked goods that made my life bearable as newly diagnosed with  celiac.  I think I truly would have laid down and cried if I hadn't found her!  (Okay, full disclosure here:  I did lay down and cry when I found out.  But then I found her stuff and life became better!)  She began to bake gluten free when her daughter was diagnosed with celiac.

Mom and I became devout followers.  We purchased cupcakes, cookies and brownies.  Got custom cakes for all special events and were ecstatic when she offered cooking classes to learn your way around the gluten free lifestyle!

Julie was already delivering her goods to various bakeries and restaurants, adding some convenience stores to her list only made her desire to have her own restaurant even more of a goal.  Well, her goal has become a reality with the opening of Jewel's Bakery and Cafe!

The business, located at 4041 E. Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85018 is in the 40 Palms Shopping Center.  The interior is an eclectic melange of White tile and a cute assortment of chairs and tables.  It's the perfect combination of hard and soft surfaces.  The menu is displayed on overhead signs and chalk boards tout the food and donut specials. They are open from 7 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (lunch taking over at 11:00 a.m.) Then open weekends for brunch 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

There is a walk up counter where you place your order.  Of course, you must pass by the dessert case on your way through the line (excellent marketing ninja is she!) which means you will be getting some treats boxed up to take home along with your meal because I guarantee you that you cannot go past this case without purchasing!  She also has some of her frozen items in a case so stock up on whatever is available there as well. (Flatbread, ciabatta, etc.  It changes so grab it when you see it!)

The menu is an eclectic mix of fun and changes seasonally.  LOVE the Kale and Cheese Dip it's flipping fantastic and served with her flatbread.  I also love the house chips which has a Buffalo Sauce.

The Grilled Cheese has three different cheeses including a fantastic bleu and is served on a ciabatta bread.  You can get fries with it for a couple of extra bucks and they're worth it.  The Greek Chicken Salad is the best I've had anywhere and the Loaded Potato Flatbread???!!!!  Orgasmic.  Seriously.  Get some.  Get some NOW!!!!  You will be forever changed.  Not even kidding.

Oh, did I mention that she always uses the best ingredients around?  Yeah, some of her offerings include items from Queen Creek Olive Mill, Shreiners, McClendon's and Red Bird.  You will taste the difference.  The Iced Tea is made to order and worth the wait.

They just started a weekend brunch which I have not tried yet.  I want to try the sausage and biscuits or perhaps the house made chorizo soon.  Yes, I will eat some pork in the name of trying this menu!  Ha!

I was lucky enough to attend the Grand Opening last night and taste samplings from the menu.  I got to see her loving family including her daughter Justine who takes the pictures on her blog and website and who helps Manage the restaurant.

I want such good things for this venture!  It's so amazing being able to go into a restaurant and order ANYTHING off the menu!  If you call ahead ( 602-714-5243)  she can even have custom orders available for you to pick up.

Did I mention the donuts and the brownies and my favorite chocolate ganache cupcakes?  Oh, I did?  Well I had to give them one more mention because they are THAT good! Oh, did I also mention that the non gluten restricted family members go here willingly?  Yeah, they all love the food here! Go in and try everything on the menu and tell them Susan sent you.