Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I've Been Really Lazy Lately So Here Is A KILLER Recipe!


I never embraced Turkery burger.  I used to think: YUK when my sister insisted it was good.  She would just brown and season burger and mix it with rice.  Not my idea of fun but she swore it was tasty.

Now, even though I have used the burger in many replacement recipes instead of ground beef I was still nervous about making a turkey burger.  I was afraid it would not be a juicy or good and then I'd be disappointed........so I did my usual when I'm afraid I'll be disappointed and did nothing.  For a long time.

Roll on to Labor Day.........grilling out!  And I am sick to death of grilled chicken.  Everyone else is having burger.  Beef burgers.  What to do?  Okay, it's time to get serious about making a tasty turkey burger.  One I am proud to serve and eat!  So I scoured recipes and added and deleted on paper for a while and then I made my concoction.  The Hubs was afraid it wouldn't make it on the grill (it's kinda juicy and too falling aparty to be a grill burger so we pan fried.........but OH BABY!  Was it worth it!

Moist and Juicy and full of flavor! You need to try this now!  I was lucky enough to have some amazing burger buns from Jewel's Bakery and Cafe because of course, mine MUST be gluten free.  You could use any type of bread or lettuce wrap if you want to but try to get a nice yummy bun to enhance the flavor!

Okay:  Using your Vitamix or blender: Blend until smooth and creamy:
2 small cans mild green chili's
one half large onion
red bell pepper, seeds and stem removed
two small sections of fresh garlic clove

Then get a big bowl and plop in two pounds of turkey burger.

add a couple of good shakes of  worcestershire sauce (Again, make sure it's GF, I use Lea & Perrin's. but be careful as some are NOT gluten free.)

At this time you can put your blender mix into the meat, making sure to use a spatula to get all the goodness into the bowl!

Now you are ready to add seasonings.  Be a little bold here too.  Not overpowering but remember:  This is Turkery burger and it needs a little flair!  I add some shallot salt, chili powder (ancho if you have it), white or black pepper, some sea salt and just a little chipotle to make it sing!  Again, make sure all of your seasonings are GF.  I cook exclusively with Penzy's Spices because all of their stuff is Ah-mazing and GF!

And I use a a potato masher to then really mix up the blender mix, meat and spices.  You want to make sure you get a good blend so keep mixing after you think you have it done!  Then patty these and put them in a very cold fridge to again make sure they stay together when cooked.

I use a little olive oil in a good fry pan to cook these puppies.  Make sure you cook them all the way through as well.  Remember there can be no medium well with poultry!  Serve these up with whatever condiments sound good.  You could do more green chili's on top or a good chevre.  I like mine with just a lot of mayo and some ketsup.  I'd rather try to make up some bell pepper aoili and try that as well. Maybe next time!  Enjoy!

Oh, I make two pounds up at a time because they freeze two or three to a small ziplock and make for a quick meal later!